+358 405 377 166

Contact Hartas Productions

Want to get in contact with Hartas Productions? Interested in our services? Want to find out more about what we offer? Maybe you have a comment about our website, or perhaps you just want to send us an email to say G’day! Whatever is on your mind, fill out the form below and it will arrive in our email inbox immediately!

We will read your message and get back in touch with you within 24 hours! We will usually get back to you much sooner than that, but since Hartas Productions film regattas in many countries around the world, sometimes we are in different time zones which may mean a couple of hours delay in responding to you.

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Hartas Productions ensures that all data collected during the coverage of an event remains securely stored. Protecting your personal data is important and if you have a question about it, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Are you a media professional?

Hartas Productions has a huge distribution list with over 400 sailing media and sports news outlets all over the world. We are very selective about the content we send out via this list, so you won’t get spam or hundreds of emails! We only use our vast reach to notify people of the most important events or breaking news, and only if its relevant to you.

If you would like to join this list of media outlets, simply contact us and let us know!